# Authorization ZfcAdmin allows authorization via [BjyAuthorize](https://github.com/bjyoungblood/BjyAuthorize) or [ZfcRbac](https://github.com/ZF-Commons/ZfcRbac). Configuration for both modules is provided to easily configure ZfcAdmin. Authorization enables you to restrict access to `/admin` and every other page under ZfcAdmin. ## BjyAuthorize authorization BjyAuthorize works with `Zend\Permission\Acl` as access restriction component. The BjyAuthorize module combines `Zend\Permission\Acl` with the standard user module [ZfcUser](https://github.com/ZF-Commons/ZfcUser). To enable access restriction with BjyAuthorize, install the module and enable it in your `application.config.php`. Furthermore, ZfcAdmin has a `zfcadmin.global.php` file in the [config](../config/) directory. Copy this file over to your `config/autoload` directory. It directly provides BjyAuthorize configuration to restrict access to users for the `/admin` route. Only users in the "admin" group are allowed to access ZfcAdmin's pages. Instructions for further configuration of BjyAuthorize are provided in the [repository of BjyAuthorize](https://github.com/bjyoungblood/BjyAuthorize). ## ZfcRbac authorization ZfcRbac works with `Zend\Permission\Rbac` as access restriction component. The ZfcRbac module combines `Zend\Permission\Rbac` with the standard user module [ZfcUser](https://github.com/ZF-Commons/ZfcUser). To enable access restriction with ZfcRbac, install the module and enable it in your `application.config.php`. Furthermore, ZfcAdmin has a `zfcadmin.global.php` file in the [config](../config/) directory. Copy this file over to your `config/autoload` directory. It directly provides ZfcRbac configuration to restrict access to users for the `/admin` route. Only users in the "admin" group are allowed to access ZfcAdmin's pages. Instructions for further configuration of ZfcRbac are provided in the [repository of ZfcRbac](https://github.com/ZF-Commons/ZfcRbac). ## Link to documentation pages 1. [Introduction](1.Introduction.md) 2. [Routes](2.Routes.md) 3. [Navigation](3.Navigation.md) 4. [Authorization](4.Authorization.md) 5. [Views & Layout](5.ViewLayout.md)