# HeadTitle The HTML `` element is used to provide a title for an HTML document. The `HeadTitle` helper allows you to programmatically create and store the title for later retrieval and output. The `HeadTitle` helper is a concrete implementation of the [Placeholder helper](placeholder.md). It overrides the `toString()` method to enforce generating a `<title>` element, and adds a `headTitle()` method for overwriting and aggregation of title elements. The signature for that method is `headTitle($title, $setType = null)`; by default, the value is appended to the stack (aggregating title segments) if left at `null`, but you may also specify either 'PREPEND' (place at top of stack) or 'SET' (overwrite stack). Since setting the aggregating (attach) order on each call to `headTitle` can be cumbersome, you can set a default attach order by calling `setDefaultAttachOrder()` which is applied to all `headTitle()` calls unless you explicitly pass a different attach order as the second parameter. ## Basic Usage You may specify a title tag at any time. A typical usage would have you setting title segments for each level of depth in your application: site, module, controller, action, and potentially resource. This could be achieved in the module class. ```php // module/MyModule/Module.php <?php namespace MyModule; class Module { /** * @param \Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent $e The MvcEvent instance * @return void */ public function onBootstrap($e) { // Register a render event $app = $e->getParam('application'); $app->getEventManager()->attach('render', [$this, 'setLayoutTitle']); } /** * @param \Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent $e The MvcEvent instance * @return void */ public function setLayoutTitle($e) { $matches = $e->getRouteMatch(); $action = $matches->getParam('action'); $controller = $matches->getParam('controller'); $module = __NAMESPACE__; $siteName = 'Zend Framework'; // Getting the view helper manager from the application service manager $viewHelperManager = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager()->get('ViewHelperManager'); // Getting the headTitle helper from the view helper manager $headTitleHelper = $viewHelperManager->get('headTitle'); // Setting a separator string for segments $headTitleHelper->setSeparator(' - '); // Setting the action, controller, module and site name as title segments $headTitleHelper->append($action); $headTitleHelper->append($controller); $headTitleHelper->append($module); $headTitleHelper->append($siteName); } } ``` When you're finally ready to render the title in your layout script, echo the helper: ```php <?= $this->headTitle() ?> ``` Output: ```html <title>action - controller - module - Zend Framework ``` In case you want the title without the `` and `` tags you can use the `renderTitle()` method: ```php headTitle()->renderTitle() ?> ``` Output: ```html action - controller - module - Zend Framework ```