# Regex Validator This validator allows you to validate if a given string conforms a defined regular expression. ## Supported options The following options are supported for `Zend\Validator\Regex`: - `pattern`: Sets the regular expression pattern for this validator. ## Usage Validation with regular expressions allows complex validations without writing a custom validator. ```php $validator = new Zend\Validator\Regex(['pattern' => '/^Test/']); $validator->isValid("Test"); // returns true $validator->isValid("Testing"); // returns true $validator->isValid("Pest"); // returns false ``` The pattern uses the same syntax as `preg_match()`. For details about regular expressions take a look into [PHP's manual about PCRE pattern syntax](http://php.net/reference.pcre.pattern.syntax). ## Pattern handling It is also possible to set a different pattern afterwards by using `setPattern()` and to get the actual set pattern with `getPattern()`. ```php $validator = new Zend\Validator\Regex(['pattern' => '/^Test/']); $validator->setPattern('ing$/'); $validator->isValid("Test"); // returns false $validator->isValid("Testing"); // returns true $validator->isValid("Pest"); // returns false ```