# Iban Validator `Zend\Validator\Iban` validates if a given value could be a IBAN number. IBAN is the abbreviation for "International Bank Account Number". ## Supported options The following options are supported for `Zend\Validator\Iban`: - `country_code`: Sets the country code which is used to get the IBAN format for validation. ## IBAN validation IBAN numbers are always related to a country. This means that different countries use different formats for their IBAN numbers. This is the reason why IBAN numbers always need a country code. By knowing this we already know how to use `Zend\Validator\Iban`. ### Ungreedy IBAN validation Sometime it is useful just to validate if the given value is a IBAN number or not. This means that you don't want to validate it against a defined country. This can be done by using `false` as locale. ```php $validator = new Zend\Validator\Iban(['country_code' => false]); // Note: you can also provide FALSE as the sole parameter if ($validator->isValid('AT611904300234573201')) { // IBAN appears to be valid } else { // IBAN is not valid } ``` In this situation, any IBAN number from any country will considered valid. Note that this should not be done when you accept only accounts from a single country! ### Region aware IBAN validation To validate against a defined country, you just provide a country code. You can do this during instaniation via the option `country_code`, or afterwards by using `setCountryCode()`. ```php $validator = new Zend\Validator\Iban(['country_code' => 'AT']); if ($validator->isValid('AT611904300234573201')) { // IBAN appears to be valid } else { // IBAN is not valid } ```