Plugin\AcceptableViewModelSelector::class, 'acceptableViewModelSelector' => Plugin\AcceptableViewModelSelector::class, 'acceptableviewmodelselector' => Plugin\AcceptableViewModelSelector::class, 'Forward' => Plugin\Forward::class, 'forward' => Plugin\Forward::class, 'Layout' => Plugin\Layout::class, 'layout' => Plugin\Layout::class, 'Params' => Plugin\Params::class, 'params' => Plugin\Params::class, 'Redirect' => Plugin\Redirect::class, 'redirect' => Plugin\Redirect::class, 'Url' => Plugin\Url::class, 'url' => Plugin\Url::class, 'CreateHttpNotFoundModel' => Plugin\CreateHttpNotFoundModel::class, 'createHttpNotFoundModel' => Plugin\CreateHttpNotFoundModel::class, 'createhttpnotfoundmodel' => Plugin\CreateHttpNotFoundModel::class, ]; /** * @var string[]|callable[] Default factories */ protected $factories = [ Plugin\Forward::class => Plugin\Service\ForwardFactory::class, Plugin\AcceptableViewModelSelector::class => InvokableFactory::class, Plugin\Layout::class => InvokableFactory::class, Plugin\Params::class => InvokableFactory::class, Plugin\Redirect::class => InvokableFactory::class, Plugin\Url::class => InvokableFactory::class, Plugin\CreateHttpNotFoundModel::class => InvokableFactory::class, // v2 normalized names 'zendmvccontrollerpluginforward' => Plugin\Service\ForwardFactory::class, 'zendmvccontrollerpluginacceptableviewmodelselector' => InvokableFactory::class, 'zendmvccontrollerpluginlayout' => InvokableFactory::class, 'zendmvccontrollerpluginparams' => InvokableFactory::class, 'zendmvccontrollerpluginredirect' => InvokableFactory::class, 'zendmvccontrollerpluginurl' => InvokableFactory::class, 'zendmvccontrollerplugincreatehttpnotfoundmodel' => InvokableFactory::class, ]; /** * @var DispatchableInterface */ protected $controller; /** * Retrieve a registered instance * * After the plugin is retrieved from the service locator, inject the * controller in the plugin every time it is requested. This is required * because a controller can use a plugin and another controller can be * dispatched afterwards. If this second controller uses the same plugin * as the first controller, the reference to the controller inside the * plugin is lost. * * @param string $name * @return DispatchableInterface */ public function get($name, array $options = null) { $plugin = parent::get($name, $options); $this->injectController($plugin); return $plugin; } /** * Set controller * * @param DispatchableInterface $controller * @return PluginManager */ public function setController(DispatchableInterface $controller) { $this->controller = $controller; return $this; } /** * Retrieve controller instance * * @return null|DispatchableInterface */ public function getController() { return $this->controller; } /** * Inject a helper instance with the registered controller * * @param object $plugin * @return void */ public function injectController($plugin) { if (! is_object($plugin)) { return; } if (! method_exists($plugin, 'setController')) { return; } $controller = $this->getController(); if (! $controller instanceof DispatchableInterface) { return; } $plugin->setController($controller); } /** * Validate a plugin * * {@inheritDoc} */ public function validate($plugin) { if (! $plugin instanceof $this->instanceOf) { throw new InvalidServiceException(sprintf( 'Plugin of type "%s" is invalid; must implement %s', (is_object($plugin) ? get_class($plugin) : gettype($plugin)), $this->instanceOf )); } } }